The Standing Desk Study

Recent evidence shows that high levels of sedentary behaviour, such as prolonged sitting, is negatively correlated with an increased metabolic risk score, risk of cardiovascular events, and all-cause mortality.
The introduction of standing desks into the workplace offers a potential solution to the inactivity problem. Given that desks are typically workplace tools, it is logical to enquire about the effects of a standing desk on cognitive performance.
The goal of this project is to evaluate the effects of working from a standing desk compared with a seated desk, on cognitive performance, during a simulated working day.
What Participation Involves
Involvement in this study will require you to attend a familiarisation session of approximately 90 minutes at the Unitec Mount Albert campus. During this session you will get to see all the tasks that will be performed during the study, and will be given the opportunity to ask questions about the study before choosing to enrol.
If you choose to enrol, you will attend a full day (9:00 am to 4:30 pm) at the Unitec Mount Albert campus where you will be allocated to either a standing or sitting desk. You will be provided with numerous tasks to perform throughout the day, and will be guided through all tasks by a researcher. All tasks can be completed from the desk, and all tasks involve varying amount of cognitive load (i.e., they are all thinking tasks). There are three break periods throughout the day, and standing desk participants are allowed to sit when needed.
You will need to also attend a second day, approximately one week later, where you will repeat the day using a different desk (everyone will do one day from each desk). Upon completion of the second day you will be compensated with $200 for your time. You may also be sent an overview of the findings upon completion of data analysis and interpretation.
Standing Desk Study Information Sheet for ParticipantsYou will not be able to participate if you have 1) musculoskeletal pathologies preventing or influencing your ability to stand for prolonged periods, and 2) cognitive pathologies, such as chronic fatigue or any previous serious head injury, or be taking medications, which may affect concentration and cognitive performance. We have received a great response from young females (18-30), so we are now looking for older females, and males of any age.