The effect of SunGold kiwifruit on gut health function: a randomised cross-over clinical trial

Do you enjoy eating GOLD kiwifruit?
Plant & Food Research require volunteers for a clinical study looking at the effects of SunGold kiwifruit on gut health and feelings of well being. This is a 16 week study which involves eating GOLD kiwifruit and Metamucil® along with your normal diet.
Volunteers need to be:
Suffering from Constipation (fewer than 3 bowel motions per week) or Irritable bowel syndrome which is associated with constipation.
Aged 18 to 65 years old
Have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 19 to 35 kg/m2
Have no evidence of chronic disease or no previous gastrointestinal surgery
Have no known allergy to kiwifruit
You will be required to visit 40 Stewart Street, Central Christchurch for periods of up to 30 minutes on 7 occasions. Clinics will run in the mornings between 7.00am and 12.00pm.
You will be reimbursed $320 in vouchers for your participation in this study
To find out more about the study contact: Sarah Eady on (03) 325 9671 or 027 476 6137. Email: [email protected]
Information sheet plus consent form50IBS+constipatedfinalversion2
Have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 19 to 35 kg/m2
Have functional constipation (<3 bowel movements per week) or IBS complicated with constipation
Be aged between 18 and 65 years old
Have no evidence of chronic disease or no previous gastrointestinal surgery
Have no known allergy to kiwifruit