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The effect of strengthening of ankle muscles on walking performance

Archived Expires 27 July, 2015
This study is not currently open to accept applicants.
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I am a Masters student studying Sport and Exercise Science in the University of Auckland. We are investigating whether strengthening the ankle muscles of people who had a stroke improves their ability to walk. We are looking for chronic stroke participants. Every session takes place in the Biomechanics Laboratory located at the Tamaki Campus, 71 Merton road, St Johns. Below is some brief information about the study, and I have attached the Ethics Committee approved (Ref. 2014/013085) participant information sheet that describes the study in detail.


Time required:

·  4 data collection sessions, each 1.5 hours long including ankle strength and walking assessment.  

·   30 minute exercise sessions 3 times per week for 6 weeks: 2 at home, and 1 in the laboratory. 

Compensation: $10 petrol voucher for each data collection session.

To be eligible:

·  Had a stroke at least 6 months ago

·  Have difficulties with ankle movement

·  Are able to walk without an assistive device for a few meters independently

·  Are not receiving walking therapy or resistance training

If  you need any more information please do not hesitate to contact me.


The University is closed between December 23rd to January 5th, but I am keen to progress the study quickly in early January.


This study is open to and in aged 50 to 80