The Athlete Diet Index Study

This study is not currently open to accept applicants.
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Hi there,

 The nutrition team at Massey University are developing an interactive tool to assess dietary intake in athletes.  We are looking for 100 athletes in the Auckland region to take part in a study to validate this tool.  Athletes need to be aged 16 years and over and represent their main sport at regional level or higher (eg. as a minimum represent North Harbour or Auckland)


For further information and to register your interest in the study please click on the following link.


All athletes who complete the study will receive general feedback on their diet and $40 reimbursement for their time.


This study is open to and in aged 16 to 45
Healthy volunteers included

 Athletes need to be aged 16 years and over and represent their main sport at regional level or higher (eg. as a minimum represent North Harbour or Auckland)