Seeing through the smoke: An examination of craving in response to cue and stress exposure

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We are inviting female adults (18 to 60 years old) to participate in a study which looks at smoking craving in current smokers.  The study is comprised of two stages: (1) a baseline questionnaire and (2) an experimental phase.  The baseline questionnaire will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and should be done at home.  The experimental session involves coming to the University of Auckland School of Medicine for approximately 1 hour to participate in two tasks while your heart rate is recorded.  Please see the attached participant information sheet (PIS) for me details.


PISConsent FormScreening questionnaire_participant copyBackground Qs packet
This study is open to in aged 18 to 60
Healthy volunteers included

For this study we are currently looking for female smokers that are 18 or older and fluent in English.