Price ExaM

We are looking for participants to join the Price ExaM study!
Price ExaM is a 5 week study looking at how changing food prices affect the food people buy. We will do this by asking people to shop in a Virtual Supermarket which can be downloaded on their own computer. No study visits are needed, and people from all over New Zealand can take part.
If you take part, you will be asked to do 5 virtual shops (1 shop per week) over the 5 week period of the study. Each time you shop, the prices of products will be slightly different. To thank you for your time and participation in this study, you will be offered $40 worth of MTA (petrol) vouchers ($10 after completing shop 1 and another $30 after completing your 5th shop and the final questionnaire).
Click on the following link to JOIN the study:
To take part in the study, you must:
- be 18 years of age or older
- live in NZ
- be able to read and understand English
- have a computer or laptop that you can download the Virtual Supermarket software onto* (this study can NOT be run from smartphones or tablets)
- have Internet access on your computer or laptop
- be able to use a computer (such as opening your internet browser, using email and saving files)
- do some of your household food shopping
- be available to do a shop in the Virtual Supermarket for 5 weeks in a row
- complete a short introductory tutorial in the Virtual Supermarket
- be the only member of your household who is registered in the study
- consent (agree) to take part in the study