Placebos and Wound Healing

We are seeking volunteers for a study looking at the benefits of taking placebos (pills with no active ingredients) on wound healing.
What is involved?
The study involves a dermatologist making a small biopsy wound on your arm under local anaesthetic, and then measuring your healing after 7 and 10 days, either with or without placebo treatment.
Help in our research and you will receive $20 Westfield voucher
Approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 4/4/2016 for 3 years. Reference number 017036
Healthy volunteers included
We are recruiting participants who are aged 18 to 65 years old and speak English. You must be a non-smoker. You must be able to understand English. You will not be eligible for this research if you have any current medical conditions that may affect wound healing (e.g. inflammatory skin disease like eczema or psoriasis affecting the upper arms; chronic illness like diabetes or anemia; or immunological-related health problems) or you are taking medication that may impact immunity or wound healing (e.g. anticoagulants, topical steroids, or painkillers more than once a week). If you are allergic to local anaesthetic you will not be able to take part in this research.