University of Auckland (NZL)

The National Institute for Health Innovation (NIHI) is a leading New Zealand research institute with a focus on prevention and management of common serious diseases and effective healthcare.NIHI is part of The University of Auckland and provides independent scientific evidence that supports individuals, communities, clinicians, and policy makers to 'get it right'.
UoA Audiology Research Group

There are various research projects and trials run by the Audiology department of the University of Auckalnd each year for which we seek participants. You can find more information about the studies which are currently running below.
Hearing and Personality Survey

Researchers from the Audiology Section of the University of Auckland are conducting a study to see how personality factors affect the impact of hearing loss on daily life.
We are looking for participants with hearing loss (any degree, in one or both ears) and without constant tinnitus to take part in our 5 minute online, anonymous personality survey.
The survey can be accessed here:
Your responses can give us a valuable insight into psychological factors impacting hearing and hearing loss.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
APPROVED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND HUMAN PARTICIPANTS ETHICS COMMITTEE on 06.01.2014 for a period of 3 years, from 06.01.2014. Reference 010989.
For Females and Males aged 16 to 100
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Memory, imagination, the brain and aging

Associate Prof Donna Rose Addis, Associate Prof Lynette Tippett and Aleea Devitt (School of Psychology, The University of Auckland) are investigating how remembering and imagining the past changes with age. We are looking for participants aged 65-85 years. In this study, you will be asked to remember and imagine past events, and complete simple control tasks. You can also choose to have a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to image your brain and measure your brain activity.Time required: 3-5 sessions, each 2 hours longCompensation: $25 voucher for each session (up to $125)APPROVED BY UAHPEC REF 2014/011190
Can we improve your co-ordination?

We are studying how motor pathways from the brain are affected by a non-invasive brain stimulation technique called transcranial direct current stimulation (or tDCS). After neurological injury, patients may experience poor co-ordination of muscles in their arms. This study may help us determine brain stimulation protocols for rehabilitation of the arm.
Are you eligible to participate?
You need to be;
18 – 55 years old
Right handed
Healthy (no neurological injuries)
No arm or shoulder injuries
Your participation would make a valuable contribution!
What does the study involve?
Three sessions scheduled at your convenience. Sessions will be separated by at least 5 days. Two sessions will be 2 - 2.5 hrs long. One session will be 0.5 - 1 hr long.
During which;
You will complete a handedness and health & safety questionnaire (aprx 5 min each)
Transcranial direct current stimulation will be used to try to transiently alter excitability of motor pathway to your arms (15 mins)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation will be used to elicit responses in the muscles of your arms (approx. 1.5 hours)
Arm co-ordination will be assessed with a task that requires you to draw circles while paced to a metronome
Where will the study take place?
Movement Neuroscience Laboratory, 731.134 Tamaki Campus
Who should I contact if I am interested and/or would like further information?
Alana McCambridge, PhD StudentBuilding 734 - 134, Tamaki CampusPhone 373-599 ext [email protected] Professor Winston ByblowBuilding 734, Tamaki CampusPhone 373-7599 ext [email protected]
Bilingualism and word learning

Do you have a baby between 11- and 13-months old? The Early Learning Lab (ELLA) at the University of Auckland is looking for families to participate in an exciting study looking at word learning in bilingual babies! The study involves watching some videos of people labelling objects and you will be with your baby the whole time. We offer free parking at the city campus and your child gets a prize at the end of the study! :)Please email [email protected] or call 09-9234236 for more information. We look forward to hearing from you
Cardiovascular Regulation in Maori

This study is assessing cardiovascular regulation in response to socially relevant stress in Maori. It includes an online prescreening questionnaire and a potential lab session at Auckland City Hospital. For more information, email [email protected] or txt 02040777866
Origins of Cooperative Action

Introducing our new study exploring the roots of cooperation, sharing, and helping in infancy… Cooperating with others is important for children’s learning and development. Cooperation fosters important skills such as memory and problem solving and is fundamental for establishing friendships and social relationships. Yet, little is known about how infants come to learn and understand cooperation. We are very excited to start a new study looking at the development of cooperation and other prosocial behaviours, i.e. helping and sharing, across the first two years of life. We are interested in identifying when and how children become skilled at helping and cooperating with others. While our previous studies have usually involved a one-time visit to our center, this study will be taking a longitudinal approach to study this topic and thus, will involve multiple visits to ELLA. Interested in finding out more or participating? Here are some additional information:How old does my child have to be? Our first visit is when infants are between 9 and 11 months of age. So, we will be seeking families with infants who will be between 9-11 months of age some time over this year to be involved in this study. How many visits will this study involve? Currently, participation will involve 4 visits spread out over the next couple of years. How long will each visit last? Each visit should take approximately 1.5 hours. What does participation in this study involve? This study will be using a range of activities to look at the development of prosocial behaviours. For example infants will be asked to play fun, game-like activities, watch a series of videos of people completing various actions, or they might even be asked to play with you!! Your infant will receive a prize, you will be entered in draws for $50 gift vouchers, and of course, we have parking covered. When can I come in? We will find a time that is most convenient for you! Our center is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. Sometimes we have weekend appointments available too! Interested in participating? If you, or someone you know has an infant that will be between 9-11 months of age over the next year and would like to participate we would love to hear from you! You can contact us on 09 923 4236 or email us at [email protected] to find out more about this study. If your baby is a bit too young at the moment, you can still call us now and sign up and we’ll call you when your baby is the right age for the first visit.
Auditory processing in adults with unilateral hearing loss – Seeking control participants with normal hearing

The main goal of this part of our study is to evaluate the brain responses to obtain normative data of adults with normal hearing.All research will take place at the Tamaki campus (Glen Innes) of the University of Auckland. Participation is voluntary. You will receive a petrol or shopping voucher for your participation. For more information: [email protected]
Can you help with a research study investigating how the brain processes sounds?

Specifically: the present study is a single session - 3 hours or less (max incl breaks), which involves both behavioral and EEG testing. EEG involves placement of tiny electrodes (x7) on the scalp and participants will be asked to watch a DVD of their choice with the volume muted and subtitles ON, while listening to tones. I am looking for people with mild sensorineural hearing loss or high frequency hearing loss. Participants will get a 20$ countdown voucher as incentives. :) Testing will take place at Tamaki campus, UoA in the population health building - ground floor. Please do contact me via e-mail: [email protected]
Adults with Cochlear Implants – Auditory Attention

We are looking for adults in the Auckland region, who have recieved one cochlear implant, to participate in a 15 minute auditory test. You would be asked to listen to a recording, and report back information.This study aims to provide a quick and easy test of hearing ability for recipients of cochlear implants, which has possible use in clinics.For more detailed information about the study, please contact the researcherThis study has University of Auckland Ethics approval for three years.
Acute physiologic responses to high intensity interval training

This study is investigating immediate responses during higher intensity interval training in those over the age of 50 with and without ischemic heart disease. High intensity interval training shows great promise as a rehabilitative tool due to its time efficient nature and comparable health benefits when compared to long duration continuous exercise.
Seeing through the smoke: the impact of visual smoking cues on craving

Who can be involved?We are inviting adults over the age of 18 that are fluent in English to take part. Participation is entirely voluntary, and neither grades nor academic relationships will be affected by either refusal or agreement to participate. Study procedures· This study is comprised of two stages: (1) a baseline questionnaire, (2) a laboratory session.· The baseline questionnaire includes questions related to your general health and smoking habits. This will take about 30 minutes and can be completed online or as a hard copy.· Once we receive your completed baseline questionnaire, we will contact you with regards to arranging a time for you to come in to the Department of Psychological Medicine and participate in the second part of the study. · During the laboratory session, you will be evaluating pictures while your cardiovascular and brain wave activity is recorded. · First, you will be fitted with an electroencephalogram (EEG) cap and 64 electrodes placed on your scalp (to record your brain activity). There will also be four electrodes placed next to your eyes (to record eye movement and blinking) and two placed around your heart (to record heart rate). This is a painless and harmless procedure.· The pictures you will be evaluating include smoking-related images as well as neutral and negative images.· It is important to note that the researcher is not medically trained and will not be able to make any clinical observations about your heartbeat or brain wave activity.· In total, the laboratory session will take about 90 minutes. Risks and benefitsThere are no direct benefits of being in this study. However, the knowledge gained from this research may be useful for developing new strategies to help smokers decrease their cravings. You will also be given your choice of an $80.00 MTA (Motor Trade Association) or Westfield voucher at completion of the experimental session to compensate you for your time. MTA vouchers can be used for anything from a petrol station (food, magazines, etc.) and is not restricted to petrol purchases.Although it is possible that you may find components of the laboratory session demanding, there are no risks associated with the procedures and equipment used in this study, and you are free to withdraw at any stage. If you were injured in this study, which is highly unlikely, you would be eligible for compensation from ACC just as you would be if you were injured in an accident at work or at home. A list of healthcare professionals is also provided on page 5 should any unexpected distress occur from participating in this study. Confidentiality and data storageThe questions covering physical, emotional and mental/cognitive wellbeing as well as the physiological (heart rate and brain activity) recordings are essential for this experiment. All responses and information relating to you will be kept completely confidential and names are not associated with recordings. Furthermore, no identifying information will appear on the questionnaires or other materials. The information you provide with regards to your contact details will only be used to contact you regarding your interest in participating and getting you enrolled in the study. Data reported in summaries of research findings, including research journals, will be presented as group averages and percentages. It will not be possible to associate your identity with any of your responses. The data obtained from research will be saved securely on to the researcher’s computer at Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Auckland. An electronic file of the study data will include your identity code. The file will be password protected and only persons directly involved with the project will have access to this file. Hard copies will be stored in a locked cabinet. The data will be destroyed after a period of six years. This will be done by shredding/ deleting according to whether the data has been stored in an electronic or hard copy. A summary of the study results may be provided to interested participants. RightsYou have the right to pull out from the study and withdraw your data any time until the 1st February 2016. If you decide to withdraw from the study, all of your data will be securely destroyed. What will happen after the study ends?You will be given the opportunity to indicate whether you would like to receive a summary of the research findings. If you would like to receive a copy of the summary report, please indicate so at the bottom of the consent form and provide an email address where you would like the report sent. As it takes some time to analyse the results of studies, it may be more than twelve months after your participation before you receive this information.
The brain basis of high functioning autism and common co-existing conditions

Are you interested in contributing to understanding more about developmental disabilities like autism? Do you want $40 in vouchers?My name is Ashleigh Saunders and I am currently completing a PhD thesis in Psychology at the University of Auckland under the supervision of Associate Professor Karen Waldie. I would like to invite you to participate in my research.Autism and other conditions such as ADHD, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder occur together up to 30-50% of the time. Why is there such a strong association between these conditions? We are seeking research participants to try to find out if there is a brain-based reason for these co-existing conditions. We are looking for healthy controls and anyone with a diagnosis of high functioning autism, OCD or ADHD! The study involves:1. A profiling session where you will be asked to answer a number of questionnaires and perform a task on the computer. This will take place in the Human Sciences Building at the University of Auckland and will take around 1.5 hours. 2. An electroencephalography (EEG) session where electrodes will be placed on your head to measure electrical activity in your brain while performing tasks. This will take around 1.5 hours. As a thank you for your time, you will be compensated $20 in petrol or supermarket vouchers for each session you attend.Contact Ashleigh on [email protected] now!
Why do some people become impulsive on dopamine medication?

We are investigating how dopamine level affects behaviour. Medications to increase dopamine levels are routinely prescribed to individuals with Parkinson’s disease. However, certain people may become impulsive while on these medications. The reason could relate to having a genetic predisposition.The aim of this study is to determine if behavioural and genetic testing can predict healthy individuals’ response to dopamine medication.Healthy adults will be given a single dose of the dopamine medication Ropinirole and their behaviour on computer-based cognitive and movement tasks monitored. We will also acquire a single blood sample to look at genes known to affect dopamine levels within the brain.This research may eventually benefit people with Parkinson’s disease by identifying the causes of impulsivity when taking these medications over a long time period.This study involves 4 sessions: a single screening session (lasting up to 1 hour) and 3 experimental sessions (1 x 4 hour, 2 x 3 hour). Adults between the ages of 40 and 75 who have no neurological disorder may be eligible to participate if they are non-smokers. If you are interested and/or would like more information, please contact Hayley MacDonald on 09 373 7599 extension 84897, or via email at [email protected]. This study has been approved by the Northern A Health and Disability Ethics Committee on 18/12/2013 (reference number 13NTA215) and the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 22/09/2013 (reference number 10083).
MitoQ Study

The MitoQ study is looking for volunteers who have type 2 diabetes, are aged between 45 - 75 years and have had a heart problem like chest discomfort. The study design will test if the antioxidant MitoQ impoves the function of the endothelial lining of the blood vessel in the upper arm.
Household Food Waste Study

Help us develop a measurement tool to assess food wastage in New Zealand households. This study is being conducted as part of a Masters Research project and will be coordinated through the National Institute of Heath Innovation, University of Auckland.What is involved?This study will consist of completing two food diaries and a questionnaire. One diary will need to be completed daily for the period of one week.The study will require approximately 3.5 hours of your time over the period of one week.You can complete the study from your home.Upon completing the study, you will receive a $20 Westfield Voucher to thank you for your time.Participants must live in Auckland and be aged 18 years or over.If you are interested and/or would like further information, please contact:Meulasi Sandanayaka (Research Student)Email: [email protected] or text: 0210727285 APPROVED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND HUMAN PARTICIPANTS ETHICS COMMITTEE ON 15/07/2014 for (3) years, Reference Number 012042
SaltSwitch: Helping people with heart disease to eat less salt

This study will look to see whether a smartphone application (app) called SaltSwitch can help people with heart disease make lower salt food choices.We are looking for 300 people aged 40 years and older who live in Auckland with heart disease (this means having been to hospital for a heart event). The person who does most of the household grocery shopping will also be invited to take part (this can be the same person). Household grocery shoppers must own a smartphone or mobile device that can download apps.Because this is a research study people will be randomly allocated (like the toss of a coin) to either the intervention (the SaltSwitch app) or to a control group. The control group will be offered the app at the end of the study.People with heart disease will be asked to attend two study visits. The first visit will be at the beginning of the study and the second visit will be six weeks later. People can choose to attend their assessments at the Auckland University clinics in Glen Innes, or at the Auckland Hospital clinics in Grafton. Household grocery shoppers will be asked collect and send us their till receipts for all household food purchased during the six-week study. We will also provide vouchers to reimburse people for their time and travel to attend the study visits and collect the till receipts.
Participants with OCD or Anxiety required as controls for a study on the brain basis of autism and common coexisting conditions

Hi Are you interested in contributing to understanding more about developmental disabilities like autism? Do you want $40 in vouchers?My name is Ashleigh Saunders and I am currently completing a PhD thesis in Psychology at the University of Auckland under the supervision of Associate Professor Karen Waldie. I would like to invite you to participate in my research.Autism and other conditions such as ADHD, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder occur together up to 30-50% of the time. Why is there such a strong association between these conditions? We are seeking research participants to try to find out if there is a brain-based reason for these co-existing conditions. We are currently seeking participants with OCD or Anxiety.The study involves:1. A profiling session where you will be asked to answer a number of questionnaires and perform a task on the computer. This will take place in the Human Sciences Building at the University of Auckland and will take around 1.5 hours.2. An electroencephalography (EEG) session where electrodes will be placed on your head to measure electrical activity in your brain while performing tasks. This will take around 1.5 hours. As a thank you for your time, you will be compensated $20 in petrol or supermarket vouchers for each session you attend.Contact Ashleigh on [email protected] now!

EMPATHY AND EXTRA SENSORY PERCEPTIONCALL FOR PARTICIPANTS We are investigating the relationships between personality, beliefs, empathy and extra sensory perception to gain more insight into the processes involved in empathy. This research is the first of its kind in New Zealand and will lay the foundation for future research into extra sensory perception. This research involves an online questionnaire that can be done in your own setting and in your own time, but must be completed in a single sitting. To be eligible you need to be 18 years or older, a New Zealand citizen or resident and proficient in the English language. All volunteers meeting the selection criteria are invited to participate. All participants who complete the survey will have the chance to win a $100 supermarket voucher. To participate, simply click on one of the URLs below and follow the instructions. (research database) (direct link) This survey will remain open until the 19th September 2014. Please forward this advertisement to anyone whom you feel may be interested in participating. This project has been reviewed and approved by the Massey University Human Ethics Committee: Southern A, Application 14/52. If you have any concerns about the conduct of this research, please contact Dr Brian Finch, Chair, Massey University Human Ethics Committee: Southern A, telephone 06 350 5799 x 84459, email [email protected].
For Females and Males aged 18 to 110Includes healthy volunteers
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Fear of Heights study: non drug treatments

Professor Bruce Arroll at the University of Auckland and Associate Professor Suzanne Henwood at Unitec are conducting a research study on non-drug methods for treating people with a fear of heights. They are keen to find participants willing to be in this study. To be in the study you need to be over the age of 16 and be able to read and understand English and have a fear of heights. You can still see your own doctor and can stay on any treatment you are currently getting. The study is being conducted at two locations. The University site at Glen Innes (parking available) or West Auckland (free parking). Why are we interested in fear of heights Many people have a fear of heights and manage this by avoiding being in situations where they may or will be exposed to heights. This can cause problems at work or problems with leisure activities. This study is examining a way of removing or, at least, making the fear of heights more manageable. The study involves talking and filling in questionnaires. You will not be exposed to a situation involving heights.
The use of frequency compression hearing aids for tinnitus management

Dr Grant Searchfield and myself are conducting an intervention trial which is intended to find out the best hearing aid settings for reducing tinnitus during people’s ordinary activities. In order to participate we do require that you have some degree of hearing loss such that you would benefit from the use of hearing aids.
Following an assessment you will be provided with counselling (1-2 hours), and provided you are eligible, in a separate appointment you will be fitted with hearing aids, and their function will be tested, which will take about 1 hour. You will be shown how to select the hearing aid programs, and will be asked to wear the aids during your ordinary activities for a total of 2 months. After the 2 months the hearing aids will be taken from you for a two week period. At a subsequent appointment you will have further tinnitus tests and you will be given new hearing aid settings. You will then be asked wear the hearing aids during your ordinary activities for a further 2 months.
There will be no cost to you for taking part. At the end of the trial you will have the opportunity to keep the hearing aids (after the trial any on-going costs/loss of the aids would be your responsibility).
APPROVED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND HUMAN PARTICIPANTS ETHICS COMMITTEE on 13 Oct 2014 for a period of 3 years, reference 013114.
There will be no cost to you for taking part. At the end of the trial you will have the opportunity to keep the hearing aids (after the trial any on-going costs/loss of the aids would be your responsibility).
If you do have a hearing loss and are willing to participate ina trial involving the wearing of hearing aids could you please contact me by return email.
Finding the Genes for Gout: The effect of frusemide

Kia Ora
We invite you to take part in a study looking into the causes of high uric acid levels and gout.
We are looking for healthy volunteers of NZ European, Maori and/or Pacific Island origin between the ages of 18 and 50. The study is intended to find out how our genes might influence the ability of frusemide (a medication used to treat fluid retention) to increase blood uric acid levels.
The study involves two visits to the Clinical Research Centre at the University of Auckland Grafton Campus.
After an initial screening visit you may be invited along to the second visit which you will be given a single tablet of frusemide (a medication used to treat fluid retention) and your blood and urine will be collected over a three hour period.
Your travel costs will be covered and we will provide you with a $100 voucher at the end of the second visit.
This study has ethical approval.
fMRI study of visuospatial processing

This is an invitation to take part in a research project investigating whether musical expertise can induce changes in the organisation of the brain. I am a PhD student in the area of cognitive neuroscience conducting research at The University of Auckland. I am currently seeking non-musician participants who live in Auckland for a brain imaging study on visuospatial processing.The research will involve:filling in a questionnaire about your handedness and demographics, etc (via email)completing a small array of cognitive tasks at City Campus, Symonds St (1 hour)undergoing a MRI scan at Grafton Campus, Park Road (2 hours).During the scan (which takes about 1 hour, and is conducted by trained radiologists) you will be asked to lie still with your head in the scanner, pay attention to a visual display, and to make some responses to simple tasks. We will be measuring the blood oxygen level in your brain while you do this, and pictures of your brain scan will be made available to you if you wish. We are also able to provide a small reimbursement for your time/parking/petrol.If you think you may be interested to participate and would like further information, please contact me at [email protected]. Thank you, and I hope to hear from you soon!
Individualised non-invasive brain stimulation to assist motor recovery after stroke [HEALTHY PARTICIPANTS NEEDED]

HEALTHY PARTICIPANTS NEEDEDWe are conducting research that examines whether it is possible to improve coordination of arm muscles using non-invasive brain stimulation.What does the study involve?2 x 2 hr experimental sessions at the Movement Neuroscience Laboratory, 731.134 Tamaki Campus. Sessions separated by at least 5 days.In this study you will be asked to:- Complete questionnaires that will ensure you can safely participate in the procedures - Complete a questionnaire that will be used to determine your handedness - Undergo transcranial magneticbrain stimulation with a special device that induces a very weak stimulating current in the neural tissue in the part of the brain associated with movement. This is noninvasive and painless. - Undergo brief electrical stimulation over nerves in your arm using a weak current and short duration pulse that may cause some mild, short lasting discomfort but has no after effects.- Receive up to 20 minutes of brain polarisation from a device that delivers a weak current to the neural tissues in the motor area of the brain controlling your arm movement. This is noninvasive and painless.
The effect of strengthening of ankle muscles on walking performance

I am a Masters student studying Sport and Exercise Science in the University of Auckland. We are investigating whether strengthening the ankle muscles of people who had a stroke improves their ability to walk. We are looking for chronic stroke participants. Every session takes place in the Biomechanics Laboratory located at the Tamaki Campus, 71 Merton road, St Johns. Below is some brief information about the study, and I have attached the Ethics Committee approved (Ref. 2014/013085) participant information sheet that describes the study in detail. Time required:· 4 data collection sessions, each 1.5 hours long including ankle strength and walking assessment. · 30 minute exercise sessions 3 times per week for 6 weeks: 2 at home, and 1 in the laboratory. Compensation: $10 petrol voucher for each data collection session.To be eligible:· Had a stroke at least 6 months ago· Have difficulties with ankle movement· Are able to walk without an assistive device for a few meters independently· Are not receiving walking therapy or resistance trainingIf you need any more information please do not hesitate to contact me. The University is closed between December 23rd to January 5th, but I am keen to progress the study quickly in early January.
Starlight study on nutrition labelling

We invite you to take part in a 5 week study on nutrition labelling To join visit: Do you have a smartphone? Do you want to know more about the food you buy? Many people find it hard to understand nutrition information on packaged food labels. The aim of this study is to compare different nutrition labels and see which of them make healthy food choices easier. What will the study involve? NO APPOINTMENTS - just download a smartphone app USE YOUR APP to look at nutrition labels while you shop USE YOUR APP to record food and drinks you buy COLLECT grocery till receipts RECEIVE $10 at week 1 + $80 at completion (5 weeks + final questionnaire) If you have any questions, please contact us: Dr Katya Volkova; (09) 923 4742Email: [email protected]
For Females and Males aged 18 to 110
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Writing and wound healing

Background: Previous research has found that writing can have a positive effect on health and can help improve wound healing.
Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of writing on healing after a 4mm punch biopsy wound and whether writing before or after the biopsy makes a difference to healing.
If you chose to participate in this study you will be required to complete 3 questionnaires at various time points about you stress, fatigue levels and mood. You will also be asked to come in for three appointments; during the first appointment a 4mm punch biopsy will be taken from your arm (pain free) and a dressing will be applied. During the second appointment ten days later the dressing will be removed so the wound can be photographed to assess rate of healing. The last appointment will take place 2 weeks after the first biopsy. During the last appointment a biopsy of the partially healed biopsy will be taken so the the skin can be analyzed for markers of healing.
You will also be asked to complete a writing task where you write about how you spend your time or an emotional event. You will write about the topic for 20 minutes a day over 3 days
At the completion of the study you will receive a $40 Westfield voucher
Seeing through the smoke: An examination of craving in response to cue and stress exposure

We are inviting female adults (18 to 60 years old) to participate in a study which looks at smoking craving in current smokers. The study is comprised of two stages: (1) a baseline questionnaire and (2) an experimental phase. The baseline questionnaire will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and should be done at home. The experimental session involves coming to the University of Auckland School of Medicine for approximately 1 hour to participate in two tasks while your heart rate is recorded. Please see the attached participant information sheet (PIS) for me details.
Increasing listening quality of music for hearing loss – Clinical testing

Do you have a hearing loss? Do you wish to be involved in research to improve the quality of music listening for those with hearing loss?
Our study is investigating a new technology for improving the sound quality of music for persons with hearing loss. We are actively seeking participants with hearing loss (can be mild to moderately severe in degree, and does not have to be symmetrical across ears) aged 18+.
There will be two sessions lasting approximately 45 minutes each at our Tamaki Campus, Glen Innes.
Participants will have tests of hearing and complete rating scales for music quality.
You will be reimbursed $20 for each session.
Does your child like video games??

Do you have a child between the ages of 9-13 years?Does he/she like video games? If yes, you could help us investigate what children think about a video game designed to help with health-related knowledge.We are looking for young volunteers aged 9-13 years to play an educational video-game, fill in a short questionnaire about health and share their views about the game. They will need to come to either the UoA Tamaki Campus in St Johns or the Unitec Campus in Mt Albert on 2 separate days for approximately 1 hour each visit.***We need to make sure that your child can take part during a brief screening call*** You can drop your child off and pick him/her up after each appointment or, if you would prefer to stay onsite, light refreshments will be provided. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive a $20 petrol voucher each time you bring your child in (a total of $40).APPROVED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND HUMAN PARTICIPANTS ETHICS COMMITTEE ON 03/12/2014 FOR (3) YEARS, REFERENCE NUMBER 013217
Participants with Hearing Loss needed for auditory processing study using Electroencephalography (EEG)

Do you have a hearing loss? Do you wish to take part in research to understand how our brain makes sense of the sounds around us?Participants needed for auditory processing study using Electroencephalography (EEG) We are conducting research to see if:1) Sounds are processed differently in the auditory system for individuals with tinnitus vs. no tinnitusWe are actively seeking people with hearing loss (up to a moderate degree of loss in both ears) either with or without tinnitus for our electroencephalograph (EEG) study, which records brain activity non-invasively using electrodes and a plastic cap placed on your head.There will be two sessions lasting approximately 60 minutes each at our Tamaki Campus, Glen Innes.Participants will watch a movie with subtitles while seated in a comfortable chair while recordings are taken. You will be reimbursed $40 for the two sessions.Please contact:Mithila DuraiEmail: [email protected] APPROVED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND HUMAN PARTICIPANTS ETHICS COMMITTEE ON 07 November 2014 for 3 years, Reference Number 012815.
Effects of brief Auditory Training

YOU GET A 70 $ VOUCHER AS INCENTIVES. Testing involves 2.5 hrs (max; inclusive of breaks) x 2 sessions (two weeks apart). Session 1 and Session 2 will have a gap of two weeks, during which you will be asked to train using a computer software at home. Training involves discrimination of pitch changes in tones in the form of an exciting computer game!! :) Training will only last for 30 minutes each day (just for 9 days within the 2 weeks span). Testing will mainly involve both subjective and EEG testing. EEG involves placement of tiny electrodes on the scalp that measures brain responses while you a press button in response to the tone you hear. The task requires your attention, even young children find it easy.
Exercise and Atrial Fibrillation

We are seeking participants that have been diagnosed with permanent atrial fibrillation (AF) to participate in a research study at the University of Auckland. This study is focused on improving guidelines used to establish exercise training intensity in patients with permanent AF. Current guidelines recommend assigning training intensity based on a percentage of age predicted maximal heart rate. Given the effect of AF on heart regularity and the effect of rate or rhythm control medications on heart rate; these guidelines may under or over predict appropriate training intensities. To be eligible for the study participants must:- be diagnosed with permanent AF (>1 year)- be able to walk on a treadmill and ride a stationary cycle Participation in this study will involve attending six, 60 minute sessions over a period of 4 weeks. Participants will be required to exercise on both a treadmill and stationary cycle at a sub-maximal and maximal intensity. The study will take place at the University of Auckland's Clinical Exercise and Cardiovascular Research laboratory located at 71 Merton Road, Glen Innes, Auckland. If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please don't hesitate to contact me
Emotion in Families

The Early Learning Lab is currently looking for parents and their children (aged between 4.5 - 5.5 years) who are living together to participate in a study on emotion regulation! The aim of the current research is to examine the different ways adults and children regulate their emotions and which strategies might be more effective than others. Families involved will receive a total of $100 in vouchers (Westfield or petrol) at the end of the study as reimbursement for their time and effort. Your child will also receive a toy at the end of the study. We realize it might be challenging finding a time that everyone is available so we are running sessions throughout the week, including evenings and weekends. The study involves two stages:Part 1: Online questionnaireWe will ask you and your partner to complete an online questionnaire that should take around 30-40 minutes. These will involve a series of questions regarding your own and your child’s emotional experiences. Part 2: Session at the Early Learning Lab, University of Auckland (City campus)For the second part of the study, we will ask you, your partner and child to come in to our center for a 2 hour session and receive $100 in total (Westfield or grocery vouchers) as reimbursement for your time and effort. We will find a time that is most convenient for you, including evenings and weekends :) You and your partner will be asked to complete some questionnaires regarding your relationship (e.g., thoughts and feelings about your relationship, and any issues you have been facing). We will then ask you to take part in a 7-minute video recorded discussion with your partner about an issue either you or your partner are currently facing in your relationship. Afterwards, we will ask you to complete a questionnaire on the discussion.Your child will participate in some fun activities with the experimenter. For more information about these activities, please see the attached document. We will also ask your child to select pictures that best represents the way they perceive you, as the parents, have discussions.Finally, we will ask your child to engage in a tower-building activity with you and your partner. This will last approximately 15 minutes. You will also be asked to complete a questionnaire about how you and your child experienced the family activity.
Emotions, Health, and Organ Donation

Essentially, we want to know more about what people think of organ donation, and to see if certain things about people are associated with the decisions they make about organ donation - you don't have to be a donor (on your drivers license) to participate, we want to know about everyone's opinions. This study involves a 20-30 minute on-line questionnaire, and a 30 minute lab session, during which you will provide a small saliva sample. All participants who complete both phases receive a $20 Westfield voucher!
Effects of walking on cognitive processing

We are looking for people to take part in a new study investigating the effects of walking on cognitive processing, heart rate, and blood pressure.As a reward for your time, you will go into the draw to win one of TWO $150 Westfield vouchers. Your involvement includes attending a 1-hour session at Auckland Hospital where you will be asked to walk on a treadmill and give cognitive, heart rate, and blood pressure measurements.If you or anyone you know is interested in participating, please contact me on [email protected] to book a session or to get more information.Cheers!!
Emotions, health and smoking behaviour

My study is looking at emotions and health in smokers. The first part is a 20 minute online questionnaire about your smoking behaviour, health, emotions and personality, which you can do at home at any time. The second part is a 30 minute laboratory session where you will be asked to complete a series of tasks related to smoking and emotions. The lab session takes place at the Clinical Research Centre in Grafton, near Auckland City Hospital and the University of Auckland campus, after which I’ll give you a $40 Westfield voucher to thank you for your time.
Psychological factors and how people manage abdominal symptoms (and Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms)

VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDTo help us study how people manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and how psychological factors may be relevant (you don't have to have IBS! We are looking for everyone's perspectives).Help with our research and go into a draw to win 1 of 5 $100 Westfield vouchers!Are you aged 18+ and fluent in English? If this is you, we would love you to complete our anonymous online survey.Participation is EASY (only takes 30-40 minutes), VOLUNTARY and ANONYMOUSIf you are interested in participating, or want more information, please use the following link: may also contact the researchers directly if you have any questions or concerns.PhD Candidate: Victoria Rowe, Department of Psychological Medicine, the University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142. Email [email protected] Phone: +64 9 373 7599 extn. 81256 (please leave a message).PI: A/Prof Nathan Consedine, Department of Psychological Medicine, the University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142. Email [email protected] Approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 08 June 2015 for 3 years. Reference number: 015060.
For Females and Males aged 18 to 100Includes healthy volunteers
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are conducting a study on the relationship between young people and their mobile phones. Participating would involve filling out an online survey - this would take about 25-30 minutes of your time.The survey was developed with the help of NZ young peopleIt is the only survey of its kind in the worldParticipants go in the draw to win one of five $50 Westfield vouchersTaking part is QUICK, EASY, and completely ANONYMOUSGo to now to participateIf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact the researcher, Michael Vacaru, at [email protected] or on 09 923 6560.For any queries regarding ethical concerns you may contact the Chair, The University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee, The University of Auckland, Office of the Vice Chancellor, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142. Telephone 09 373-7599 extn. 83711. APPROVED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND HUMAN PARTICIPANTS ETHICS COMMITTEE ON for (3) years, Reference Number 011378.
For Females and Males aged 16 to 19Includes healthy volunteers
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Lung Function Study

We are looking for healthy volunteers to take part in a study on the effectiveness of a bronchodilator nasal spray medication.Bronchodilator medications are widely used, well researched and safe to take.This study will take one hour and will take place at the Clinical Research Centre at Grafton Campus.All Participants who complete the study will receive a $20 Westfield voucher!For more information contact Bryony Parkes (MSc candidate): [email protected] or 0273482785 APPROVED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND HUMAN PARTICIPANTS ETHICS COMMITTEE ON 07/05/2015 for 3 years (Ref. 014162)
Physical Symptoms

You are invited to participate in a study investigating the factors associated with physical symptoms. We are now recruiting for the 40-75 age group. What does participating in the study involve? Participation involves answering a few basic questions and completing a questionnaire designed to measure factors potentially correlated with physical experiences. The questionnaire will take 10-30 minutes to complete, and as a reward you may choose to enter into a draw with a chance to win one of six $150 Westfield vouchers! Please contact me on 0211805828 or Email: [email protected]
Problematic Internet Use

If you regularly use the Internet for leisure, you are invited to participate in a focus group that will discuss your opinions regarding the existence of Problematic Internet use.The focus group will last approximately an hour and a half; refreshments and nibbles will be provided and you will receive a $50.00 Pak'nSave voucher as a thank you for your time.You must be able to attend a focus group in Auckland, at either the City campus or the Tamaki (University of Auckland). The Participant Information Sheet which contains more detail about the study is attached below.
Fitness levels in pregnancy

Cardiorespiratory fitness levels of pregnant women at risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) My name is Aalia and I am currently completing my Masters in Clinical Exercise Physiology at the University of Auckland. I am conducting research this year looking at cardiorespiratory fitness levels of women at risk of developing Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) and women not at risk. We would like to find out whether there are significant differences in cardiorespiratory fitness levels between women in their second trimester, and if so, whether low fitness levels should be included in the list of modifiable risk factors for GDM. This could mean that future exercise interventions to significantly increase current fitness levels could be designed for those women at risk of GDM. The proposed study will seek to provide cardiorespiratory fitness data to quantify baseline fitness levels of women in their second trimester. The study will allow us to design an exercise intervention specifically for the level of fitness we reveal for women in their second trimester. The study’s findings may then lead to the development of clinical exercise guidelines to reduce the risk of, or prevent the onset of GDM. I therefore need to recruit women to come in for a single session where I will collect a bit of medical info from them and they will complete a sub-maximal exercise test (exercise intensity which is not distressing). This information will allow me to predict what their maximal cardiorespiratory fitness levels are. Women will be compensated for their participation (you will be invited to attend 2 free exercise sessions per week for a month (post partum) which I will be running to say thank you.
Effects of Hearing Aids on Selective Attention in Older Adults with Hearing Loss

As part of a Master's Thesis Research Study, we are looking at the effects of hearing aids on the selective attention ability in older adults with hearing loss. We are seeking participants between the ages of 60-70 years, have a hearing loss (or a suspected hearing loss), and are RIGHT-handed. Individuals with and without hearing aids are welcome to take part in the study. If you are interested in participating in this study, please contact Kaelyn via email: [email protected] Please include in the email when you are available for testing. This study requires ONE session (approximately 90 minutes in duration) at the University of Auckland's Tamaki Campus clinic. Participants will be given a FREE hearing test and a $20 petrol voucher for compensation and appreciation! The study was APPROVED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND HUMAN PARTICIPANTS ETHICS COMMITTEE ON 03/05/15 for (3) years, Reference Number: 014440
Art of Living Study

The study: The Art of Living Study is looking at using an Android smartphone app to measure how much physical activity people living and working in South Auckland are doing and how they move around the city.To participate: Register for the study online, answer some quick questions, and then download the app. You will need an Android smartphone to download and use the app. Once you have activated the app on your phone, the data collection process will automatically start. It's that easy! It takes no more than 5 minutes to complete the registration process and the app is free!As a token of our appreciation: Participants will receive a $20 Westfield voucher after keeping the app active on their phone for 1 month and another $20 Westfield voucher after 6 months.Need more information? To learn more about the study and register online please visit the study website.
Perfume Preference Study

The aim of the present research is to gauge the public's opinion of the appeal of various perfumes. The study will require you view a series of images and then answer the following two questions based on a brief exposure to an image of perfume:Please rate your likelihood of purchasing the perfume on a scale of 1 – 10 (1 = extremely unlikely to purchase, 10 = extremely likely to purchase).How much you would be willing to spend on the perfume on a scale of £0 - £100.This project is being conducted by a student at London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London, in fulfilment of a masters degree in Applied Psychology in Fashion. The study has been approved by the Graduate School Research Ethics Coordinator, Dr. Carolyn Mair. Please email [email protected] if you wish to obtain further information on the ethical grounds of this study.
For Females aged 18 to 80Includes healthy volunteers
Locations: Auckland, Hawkes Bay, West Coast (sth Island)
Locations: Auckland, Hawkes Bay, West Coast (sth Island)
Student success: What matters most for high achieving students at secondary school?

I am currently undertaking research into the factors which contribute to high student achievement at secondary school from the perspective of successful students and their teachers. I am currently looking to recruit high achieving secondary school students to complete an anonymous online questionnaire. The questionnaire focuses on student success, effective and ineffective teachers, and teaching practices. To thank you for your participation, you will be entered in a draw to win one of ten $25 gift cards. You may choose an iTunes, Westfield, Warehouse, Event or Hoyts gift card.
For Females and Males aged 16 to 110Includes healthy volunteers
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
TODAY – TailOred Daily ActivitY

We are currently looking for healthy adults aged 17-69 years to take part in a study to better understand how to use smartphone-technology to help people break up prolonged sitting and being more active (TODAY - TailOred Daily ActivitY). Participation is voluntary and easy - carry your Internet enabled Android smartphone with you and we’ll give you tips through an app.Please visit the study website or use your smartphone to scan the QR code to find more information and to register for the study. You can also contact us should you require further information. APPROVED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND HUMAN PARTICIPANTS ETHICS COMMITTEE ON 14/09/2015 for 3 years, Reference Number 015679. Principal Investigator: Dr Ralph Maddison, Phone: 09 3737599 ext. 84767, e-mail: [email protected]
For Females and Males aged 17 to 69Includes healthy volunteers
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Communicating information about osteoporosis – Seeking healthy female volunteers over 50yrs

I am currently seeking volunteers for my PhD study investigating the best way to communicate information about osteoporosis. Participation involves watching a short presentation and answering two short questionnaires during a one-off 30 minute session.All participants receive a $20 Westfield voucher for participating. Sessions are currently taking place at the University of Auckland Grafton Campus (opposite Auckland City Hospital). Free parking is available.
Rugby Fans in Training Study – Focus groups

The Rugby Fans in Training (RuFIT) programme aims to promote healthy lifestyle behaviours in male rugby fans, and will be delivered through Super 15 Franchises throughout New Zealand. Men will receive advice about nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle behaviours (e.g. smoking), in addition to being trained by the club trainers! Before we start the programme, we are wanting to run focus groups with Maori and Pacific men to get their opinions and ideas about the programme. Focus groups will run for about 60-75 minutes and refreshments will be provided. All men will also receive a $20 voucher to cover their travel costs (focus groups will be held at a convenient location in the community). All men participating in the focus groups will also be invited to take part in the RuFIT programme in February 2016.Please contact Sam at [email protected]
Skin barrier recovery and social support

Previous research has found that a social support can influence health outcomes and pain, but little research has been done to assess healing how social support may influence healing. The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of social support on skin recovery after tape stripping in the laboratory. The sessions are 90-120 minutes in duration. As a thank you, you will receive a $20 Westfield voucher for your participation!
Auditory processing versus language processing after stroke

The study involves listening to different sounds and reporting what is heard and performing language tests (sentence to picture matching tasks). For hearing tests you will be using headphones to listen to sounds. For listening you will be looking at pictures and answering questions. We will be using four tests for hearing and four tests for language.It will take one hour (½ hour for the hearing tests and ½ hour for the language tests) to complete all the tests. This can be conducted across two separate sessions if the participant wishes. You will be given a $10 voucher for your time. To find out more, or to volunteer, please email [email protected], or phone 09 923 6886 (Michelle Scott, Speech Science Administrator).
What matters most for high achieving secondary school students

This study investigates the factors which contribute to high student achievement at secondary school from the perspective of successful students. If you are a high achieving secondary school student, please consider participating in this study. You will be required to complete an anonymous online questionnaire which will take around 20-30 minutes. The questionnaire will ask you questions about your perceptions of success, effective and ineffective teachers, and teaching practices. To thank you for your participation, you will be entered in a draw to win a $30 gift card. You may choose an iTunes, Westfield, Warehouse, Event or Hoyts gift card. Full details explaining the study are provided in the Participant Information Sheet. If you have further questions, please contact the researcher or ask questions in the comment section below before participating. APPROVED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND HUMAN PARTICIPANTS ETHICS COMMITTEE on 15/09/2015 for a period of three years. Reference Number 015102
For Females and Males aged 16 to 19Includes healthy volunteers
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Emotions and Healthcare

Emotions and Healthcare Are you aged 18 or over, and do you speak fluent English? Are you free to come in for a study for 30 minutes on Friday 29th January during the day, or at 4:20p.m. on Tuesday/Thursday/Friday of the first week of February?Good on you! We’re recruiting volunteers from all walks of life for an exciting new study looking at the interface between emotions and healthcare. Your involvement would comprise an initial 20-minute questionnaire which can be completed online, and a 30-minute follow-up session at the Clinical Research Centre in Auckland University’s Grafton Campus.All participants who complete both sessions will receive a $20 Westfield voucher! What a splendid deal!Visit our website to find out more: – or, if you are so inclined, feel free to email Benjamin Booker ([email protected]) for more details.Approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 19/10/15 for three years; reference number 016061.
Dealing with Challenging Patients

Hi there, Are you a health professional, aged 18+ and fluent in English?We are currently recruiting volunteers for our research study looking at the relationships between prosocial behaviour, reactions to unpleasant stimuli, and reactions to other people behaving in unpleasant situations. It involves a 20 minute online questionnaire, and volunteers going into the draw to win an iPad Mini!If this sounds like you, please visit our website at , read the Participant Information Sheet and complete our online survey. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Karen Chung at [email protected] APPROVED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND HUMAN PARTICIPANTS ETHICS COMMITTEE ON 14/10/15 FOR (3) YEARS REFERENCE NUMBER 016060
For Females and Males aged 18 to 110Includes healthy volunteers
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Hearing Brain

We are looking for Adults (aged 25 - 67) with mild hearing loss with or without hearing aids. We are looking at how the adult brain processes various types of sound/signals.If you're interested in participating in this study, please contact Abin via email: [email protected] is a Single 2 hour session with an EEG cap on. EEG caps (looks like a swimmers cap) have tiny harmless sensors that picks up brain response from the scalp. You will get to watch a movie of your choice with the volume in mute and subtitles ON; while sounds are played in your right ear.Testing will take place at the University of Auckland, Tamaki campus, clinic. Participants will get a FREE Hearing test and a $20 petrol voucher.
Price ExaM

We are looking for participants to join the Price ExaM study!Price ExaM is a 5 week study looking at how changing food prices affect the food people buy. We will do this by asking people to shop in a Virtual Supermarket which can be downloaded on their own computer. No study visits are needed, and people from all over New Zealand can take part.If you take part, you will be asked to do 5 virtual shops (1 shop per week) over the 5 week period of the study. Each time you shop, the prices of products will be slightly different. To thank you for your time and participation in this study, you will be offered $40 worth of MTA (petrol) vouchers ($10 after completing shop 1 and another $30 after completing your 5th shop and the final questionnaire). Click on the following link to JOIN the study:
For Females and Males aged 18 to 110
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Locations: Auckland, Canterbury, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tauranga, Timaru/Oamaru, Waikato, Wairarapa, Wellington, West Coast (sth Island)
Placebos and Wound Healing

We are seeking volunteers for a study looking at the benefits of taking placebos (pills with no active ingredients) on wound healing. What is involved?The study involves a dermatologist making a small biopsy wound on your arm under local anaesthetic, and then measuring your healing after 7 and 10 days, either with or without placebo treatment.Help in our research and you will receive $20 Westfield voucher Approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 4/4/2016 for 3 years. Reference number 017036
Effect of long-distance running on the ankle and knee joints

Long-distance running such as marathons and Ironman competitions have become popular fitness activities, even for amateurs. Despite its obvious health benefits, however, repetitive and excessive loading imposed on the knee and ankle joints resulting from long-distance running may cause cartilage or ligament damage. This leads to onset of osteoarthritis, increased subsequent health care costs due to knee therapy, implants or lost work days. Thus, an appreciation of biomechanics for endurance running in the ankle and knee joint is of great value for both injury prevention and treatment.This investigation can be accomplished using 3D anatomically-based computational models, representing personalised joint geometry, combined with modern image techniques including MR, CT and functional diffusion imaging such as PET-CT. A better understanding of the ankle and knee joint can provide possible aetiology of joint injury, explanation of pathology and inform better diagnostic techniques. Such information can be also used to develop novel rehabilitation strategies for people after surgical reconstruction of the joints or construct robotic joints replacement for medical purposes. The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of long-distance running on the ankle and knee complex by using a subject-specific computational model combined with MRI. Through this collaborative research between medical sciences and bioengineering, we expect that our work will impact a number of research communities in Medicine and Engineering.
Investigating the effect of impaired vision on a new clinical test of balance.

We are looking at how blurred vision can affect the results of a relatively new clinical test used to diagnose balance problems. There is some evidence, that blurred vision and glasses use can affect the clinical accuracy of this balance test, however this has not been properly investigated. Help in our research and you will receive a $10 Petrol voucher, as well as refreshments to reimburse your time and effort. What is involved? This research study will involve a 1 x 30 minute visit for individuals who wear corrective glasses, and a 1 x 60 minute visit for contact lens wearers. You will be asked to put on goggles (as in the picture above), and your eye movement will be measured in response to small head turns. If you wear contact lenses, you may be asked to put on Optometrist approved clear lenses for the duration of the test. The study will be held at the Hearing and Tinnitus Clinic, University of Auckland (Tamaki Campus). Approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 22-Jun-16 for (3) years, Reference Number 017509
Sensory Status of Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): Hearing, Vision and Vestibular Function

Many people, especially as they get older, can have hearing, vision and balance problems. Some studies have shown links between these sensory problems and cognitive problems in older people. We would like to know more about these difficulties in order to better understand how to prevent decline in sensory and cognitive abilities
We are inviting people with mild cognitive impairment to participate in a study that will test their hearing, eyesight and the balance system’s ability to correct for eye movement.
Healthy adults without cognitive impairment are invited to participate as part of the control group.
All the testing will be done at the Grafton Campus of the University of Auckland. The tests will take about 60-90 minutes with breaks. For the hearing and vision tests you will listen to different tones and identify different visual patterns. For the balance test you wear eye goggles that measure your eye movement when your head is shifted from side to side.
APPROVED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND HUMAN PARTICIPANTS ETHICS COMMITTEE ON 8 March 2016 for 3 years until 21 December 2018, Reference Number 016482
Online Gambling

My name is Delia Cotoros and I am a PhD student at the University of Auckland, in the Social and Community Health department. The aim of my PhD is to develop a survey to explore Problematic Internet Use in relation to a number of specific behaviours: online gambling, online shopping and online pornography use. This specific study is about Online Gambling. If you are over 18 and have ever gambled online, you are invited to participate in a focus group that will discuss your opinions regarding what topics/items should be included in a new measure of Problematic Online Gambling. You will NOT be required to discuss your own gambling behaviour, just your opinions regarding the topic and the questions/items a measure should have. The focus groups will last between 1.5 and 2 hours. Refreshments and nibbles will be provided and you will receive a $30 Pak n Save or petrol voucher as a thank you for your time. You would be welcome to bring friends that can participate in the focus group, as long as they are over 18 and have gambled online. If you would like to participate, please check out the Participant Information Sheet which contains more detail about the study and contact me by email ([email protected]).