Fear of Heights study: non drug treatments

Professor Bruce Arroll at the University of Auckland and Associate Professor Suzanne Henwood at Unitec are conducting a research study on non-drug methods for treating people with a fear of heights. They are keen to find participants willing to be in this study. To be in the study you need to be over the age of 16 and be able to read and understand English and have a fear of heights. You can still see your own doctor and can stay on any treatment you are currently getting. The study is being conducted at two locations. The University site at Glen Innes (parking available) or West Auckland (free parking).
Why are we interested in fear of heights
Many people have a fear of heights and manage this by avoiding being in situations where they may or will be exposed to heights. This can cause problems at work or problems with leisure activities. This study is examining a way of removing or, at least, making the fear of heights more manageable. The study involves talking and filling in questionnaires. You will not be exposed to a situation involving heights.