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Effects of walking on cognitive processing

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We are looking for people to take part in a new study investigating the effects of walking on cognitive processing, heart rate, and blood pressure.

As a reward for your time, you will go into the draw to win one of TWO $150 Westfield vouchers. Your involvement includes attending a 1-hour session at Auckland Hospital where you will be asked to walk on a treadmill and give cognitive, heart rate, and blood pressure measurements.

If you or anyone you know is interested in participating, please contact me on [email protected] to book a session or to get more information.



PISDemographics questionnaire
This study is open to and in aged 18 to 110
Healthy volunteers included

-You must be able to read and write proficiently in English

-You must be able to walk at 3km/h for 22 minutes

-You must be 18 years or older