Effects of Hearing Aids on Selective Attention in Older Adults with Hearing Loss
This study is not currently open to accept applicants.
As part of a Master's Thesis Research Study, we are looking at the effects of hearing aids on the selective attention ability in older adults with hearing loss. We are seeking participants between the ages of 60-70 years, have a hearing loss (or a suspected hearing loss), and are RIGHT-handed. Individuals with and without hearing aids are welcome to take part in the study.
If you are interested in participating in this study, please contact Kaelyn via email: [email protected]
Please include in the email when you are available for testing. This study requires ONE session (approximately 90 minutes in duration) at the University of Auckland's Tamaki Campus clinic. Participants will be given a FREE hearing test and a $20 petrol voucher for compensation and appreciation!
The study was APPROVED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND HUMAN PARTICIPANTS ETHICS COMMITTEE ON 03/05/15 for (3) years, Reference Number: 014440