EEG Biofeedback for Memory

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EEG Biofeedback for Memory
We have developed a training procedure to train specific patterns of brain activity in a part of the brain called the Posterior Cingulate Cortex (PCC). We think that training specific activity in this part of the brain, we might be able to improve people’s memory.

If you are invited to participate in the biofeedback training, you will come in for 15 sessions of brain training. We will place an EEG cap on your head which will record your brain activity. This will be fed through to a computer, which will display the activity back to you. We’ll get you to learn how to change the activity.

This study is open to and in aged 40 to 110
Healthy volunteers included

EEG Biofeedback for memory


We are looking for:

              Men and Women

              Aged over 40

              Have not been diagnosed with dementia

To participate in a study looking at memory.


If you would like to participate, we’ll invite you to take a 30 minute test of memory and other thinking skills. If you score below a certain number on the test, we’ll invite you back to participate in the Electroencephalogram (EEG) biofeedback training program. We’ll be looking to see whether the training program can improve your memory.


If you would like to participate, or have any other questions please feel free contact us:

Timothy Galt
Phone: 0221052320

Email: [email protected]

Department of Medicine
Dunedin School of Medicine
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054


This study had been approved by the University of Otago Human Ethics Committee (Health) under the title “EEG Biofeedback for Memory”, reference H15/127